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Metal Detecting WA Logo

Metal Detecting WA

Contact Us Metal Detecting WA

We Appreciate You Contacting Us

We Appreciate The Time You Have Taken To Contact Us !

We have our own Goldmining Leases in WA and can be out the bush prospecting as well so although we would like to respond within 24 hours it may be that we are out of range to get this message.

So we appreciate your patience if it takes us longer than this.

We are not a large organisation with multiple staff, nor do we have a robotic Artificial Intelligence response system to provide meaningless, unrelated answers to you, we answer every "Contact Us" personally - so if we do take longer than 24 hours you can be assured that we will give your request our personal attention. 

Thank you for Contacting Us, we value your input and your support.

Bill, Ray and Kurk

Contact Bill O’Connor

Metal Detecting WA

"We Help You find Gold."

+61 8 423190416 to Ring Bill

Metal Detecting WA Membership Site...

Know the Locations to Find Gold

The truth is - finding new ground

is the key to finding more gold.

The Metal Detecting WA Membership Site Analyses the Whole Of WA and Its Gold Nugget Potential. Why Guess?